Monday, August 25

I'd pay anything to make the date October

Not for the reasons you think.

I don't even know who I am anymore. Just a shell of a person I've spent many years with, forming, growing, learning. Now, it's a piece of this and a piece of that. Time is stretched far too thin and there's not enough of it for me to even wrap my head around it. I just want to go to the time when I know I can sleep and think and breathe. The time when I can regain my spirit and be whole.
I'm incomplete. Simply stated, I don't know if I'm coming or going, if it's today or tomorrow, if I did or didn't. If you asked me to do something please ask me again, so much is going on that I honestly can't remember if I did it, put it on hold, or forgot.
I hate feeling like this, living like someone else. I miss the people I love but most importantly I miss the person I am. A few more weeks, the madness will subside and I can start putting back the pieces of my life. Resolving the broken promises and missed opportunities.
That is if the people are still there when I get back.

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