Thursday, October 30

Ra Ra Birthday

So my birthday is coming up. So excited to go to Vegas and to celebrate with my friends throughout the month. I know a few of you will be scrambling trying to figure out what to get me as a gift, you don't have to get me anything. Just wish me a happy birthday! Seriously, I'm not needy or selfish. I'd rather the people I care about spend some time with me than spend any amount of money.
However, I know that this isn't going to fly with some of you so I've made yet another wishlist. I'm not a fan of making these, so I hope you appreciate it...

First and foremost, a link to everything I've posted in my blog that I wanted, the Christmas wishlist from last year is an excellent start as it's still up to date and very relevant.

Just as a heads up as far as sizes go I wear a Large in shirts unless its layerable and goes on the bottom then get me an XL so it will actually show. Good rule of thumb you know what I look like, hold it up and see if everything is going to fit where it's supposed to. For shoes I wear a 10 in womens, a 9 in mens, and an 8 in Chucks. If buying Chucks make sure it says 8 on the bottom, and not 6. I trust all of you to make good choices, you know my style. NO SKULLS! Please and Thank you!

  • I have a PacSun Wishlist available via email
  • funky socks
  • winter hats & convertible gloves
  • fingerless gloves and arm bands
  • neck ties
  • Trench Coat
  • Blazer
  • Fierce shoes

  • tops with hoods
  • v-necks
  • Snakes & Suits

  • GK Hoodie

  • Funky Sneakers
  • Alt Press shirt

  • a new Volcom purse
  • Rad Digital Watch
  • Paul Frank
Magazine Subscriptions
  • How
  • Communication Arts
  • Absolut
  • Others can be found here
  • Nifty Cordless Phone
  • Zune 120

  • Rob & Big
  • Clone High
  • Can't Hardly Wait
  • Go
  • Punchline - Just say Yes
  • White Tie Affair - Walk This Way
  • Just Surrender - Stronger Now
  • Hollywood Undead - Hollywood Undead
  • Pussycat Dolls - Doll Domination
  • Story of the Year - The Black Swan
Gift Card:
  • Old Navy
  • Delia's
  • Ticketmaster
  • Panda Stuff
  • Bamboozle 08 Poster
  • Ocean Pacific Perfume
  • cool paintings/posters - I like abstract geometric shapes, girls with cool hair, and cityscapes Roy Lichtenstein is one of my favorite artists

Saturday, October 25

A Celebration of Me!

Party at my house October 25th!

Basement party with beer pong/flip cup on the deck for those who enjoy drinking games. Dance party will be taking place in the main room with music provided by my Zune, various MP3 players and some mix CDs. Feel free to bring some sounds, but I assure you if it sucks, it'll get cut off. You can wear your costume if you'd like but it's not a Halloween party its a Birthday Extravaganza. I also have another floor of my house available to hang, just most people never see it. There may be some Wii or Scene It action, not sure if my mom is cooking so feel free to call her up and ask. Bring some alcohol with you cause I can't support 60+ people's alcoholism...

Yes 60+, my house rolls deep and gets a little crazy. Bring a friend or whatever, but no one I'm not fond of or they will be asked to leave. No drama and no worries let's just some kids going dumb! New as of this year, if you plan to sleep in my basement clear the shit with me first. I can't have kids disrespecting my domain. Thanks!

Hit me up if you plan to go, need directions, or have a request/question!

I'm lazy so below is the invite list. If you talk to any of these people let them know please. Help me out and just spread the word to the masses.

Alexa Sunshine
Amanda Lynn
Ashley J
Brit R
Chris Lindsey

James Larson
Jen Cheney
Jon Stipek
Lindsay Abell
Lisa Boh Bisa
Mandy Sin
Mary Anne
Ryan Ashley
Sara B
Sara Emily
Sara F
Stacy Michelle
Steve Douglas
Steve Milaka
Steve Zapp
Uber Pat
Will MC

Wednesday, October 22

My life

Haven't looked at my agenda for a while, i think most of it is enternal so even without constant reminders things are getting done. I just wish when I made the time to do things, I had the motivation and focus to get it done. More effort and time goes into shit than I care to think about, especially when days/weeks/months down the road I see that it was all for not. I remember everything and I pay attention. If you know my time is so precious, why waste it?

  • Cities' shirt
  • Find phone battery
  • Return Blockbuster Movies
  • Update Monique Did It
  • Store promotions
  • Myspace profile
  • Web ads
  • Apply for a passport
  • Take clothes & shoes to Goodwill or something
  • Rearrange furniture
  • Download new songs
  • Finish Cleaning
  • Snack Run

Tuesday, October 21

There's something about these eyes

Don't know what it is but people tend to melt when they are around me. Not in the sense you're probably thinking, but legit crumble and pour out their heart. Sometimes I ask simply "how have you been?" other times I just turn my head in their direction. Not really sure what it is about me or my demeanor but honesty tends to surround me. Maybe my nickname should be pineapple cause I'm so freakin welcoming. Don't take this as a complaint, I'm truly flattered everyone needs someone they can confide in and talk to. I'm honored to be that person to so many, especially to those I didn't expect or even really know.

With that being said...
...go ahead and let it all out!

Thursday, October 16

This sums it up

It's a terrible thing, to know what you want
And to know you can't have it at all
I wanted was to let you know how I...

Tuesday, October 14


I'm not pushing my politics on you, I just though this was a great video.

PS while I have your attention, you do know that more people are running for a position this year than president correct? Do yourself a HUGE favor and make sure you find Senators, Delegates, Governors, Mayors ect that are like-minded in your beliefs and your presidential choice's beliefs. What good is it to have the right man in the Oval Office when Congress or the Supreme Court is flawed and can overturn his choices? Remember checks and balances??

Yanno what I'd love to find?

Someone who makes me hide my face and play with my hair. Little known secret tell-tale signs that Monique is legit into you, hands on her face. I don't think it's a lonely factor or even an alone issue. It's more of a comfort, on those late night dark drives home I want to know that you're thinking of me hoping I make it back safe. It's hard to describe I guess.
I've found myself lately yearning for someone to give my heart to which is very not myself. Too bad changing this predicament is easier said than done. Until then I'll keep my eyes open and keep doing me.

On a different note, I want to see the world, or at least America. Far too many opportunities have come around that I had to decline because of my financial obligations, maybe if I win a small fortune from McDonald's I can quit my job, pay my bills, and hop on tour. Talk about dreams coming true...

Monday, October 13

Work sucks, I know

Someone at work may have it in for you today, yet you don't understand what it is that you've done wrong. Actually, it's possible that you are behaving fine and it's just that others are resentful of your accomplishments. Although you might be tempted to escalate the situation, it makes much more sense to temporarily bite your tongue and just let the potential conflict pass.

Sick! At least it won't be a boring day in the office...

Friday, October 10

Up top!

No sleep

I haven't been sleeping lately and when I do its not long or steady. I wake up repeatedly throughout the night. Maybe I should take sleeping pills or something. This lack of sleep really isn't helping my overall self and for that I apologize.
On another note, I hope to one day get something that I want. Not in the materialistic sense but in life. I want to want something extremely badly and for it happen. I'm far too comfortable with being ok with leftovers. Sometimes I wish I was selfish.
I love my mom so much, apparently today I don't look like myself. To her I looked like I was going to burst into tears and she just kept asking me what was wrong as I packed my things. My reply "everything will be alright" or "you know me, I don't talk." I don't think I'm as bad as she thinks, but then again mom always knows best, right.
Kids don't worry about me, I'm tough like Ford. No matter the internal feelings, at the drop of a dime I'll turn on that charm you seem to love. One day will be mine, it'd probably come sooner if I stop bending over backwards to make the impossible possible for everyone else but if I didn't I wouldn't be being me. If I can then I will simple as that. If I can't I'll find a way. Good things come to those who wait and quite frankly I got nothing but time.

Thursday, October 9

Super super cereal

Your key planet Pluto receives an illuminating blast from the Sun today to awaken a hidden feeling or to put you in touch with a part of yourself that you buried long ago. Whether or not you are able to talk about this profound experience with anyone else doesn't matter. What's significant is your willingness to go on an intense transformational journey that is yours alone.

Woooooooooow. Was not expecting this at all. It's a little intense actually, but in a good way. I think I know exactly what part of myself the stars are talking about and if that's the case, I hope that if I'm ready to transform then everything else will simply fall into place. Not gonna think about it just opening my eyes and ears and apparently mind.

Wednesday, October 8

I trust everyone.

It's the devil inside them I don't trust.

Tuesday, October 7

Onward March

Yesterday sucked, today is alright, tomorrow is never promised. Don't even wish to think about the past, just keeping my eyes on the prize and doing the best I can to achieve exactly what I want. Months turn to weeks. Weeks turn to days. Days turn to hours. Hours to minutes. Minutes to now. Time is constant, nothing else may be but you can always count on time to continue. I'm in a strange spot right now, we'll see how things turn out. I have noticed that I'm in a very "I don't care mood", so I'm more prone to say whatever is on my mind, no matter what it may be. This will just show who my true friends are. Birthday kickoff officially starts tomorrow! Today has been a very sexy day, not really sure why but I've been vibeing with my girl Britney Spears like no other. Maybe its to prep me for the debauchery that will happen this weekend. I think I may buy a new outfit tomorrow or at least new shoes, the no shopping had to come to an end at one point why not kill it with style.
Back it up, na
Bump ya rump, na
Grab my waist, na
Work it out, na
Grab my shoulder
Pick it up, na
Take it lower
To the floor, na

Get up, baby
We can drop a little somethin’
Ride it, baby
We can do a little somethin’
Take out, baby
Wanna get a little somethin'
You know, baby
Let’s hook up a little somethin’

Friday, October 3

I was told my blogs aren't happy enough

Sorry. I'm just calling it how I see it. I think that in spite of all the things that happen in my life, I not only make the best of it but I do it with a smile. Times are tough, but I'm a hardass.