Sunday, March 30

Last night I learned how to put on a belt...

Who knew a simple question could lead to an hour long discussion? I mean I guess I knew, but not with the one I asked last night. "What would your belt look like with brown on top?" Yeah something as simple as that ended with an epiphany, awkward feelings, questionable sexuality and battle lines drawn in the sand.
I did learn not only that I wear my belt wrong but that I think far differently than anyone else. That gave me hope for a successful life. My whole job is to be creative, imaginative, unique and different. When I start going with the grain, I no longer get a paycheck. No pressure...
This week I'll be doing a lot of reflecting and analyzing myself as I create an identity package. Fortunately I have a name, I think. Need to bounce it around and see if I really like it. Easier said than done, because I hate committing myself to things. I'll get over it enough to get things done. No worries.
I can feel my life spiraling out of control and it excites me. As excited I am, I'm more scared, but I'm turning that fear into the catalyst to jump start myself. Things are going so fast and it's hard for me to even grab hold of anything enough for it to make an impression on my life. That's scary. But at night when I'm restlessly thinking of what needs to get done and where it will put me when it is complete, I recall everything done and said throughout the day. So in reality life isn't slipping away, I just don't have time to think in the mist of it anymore. We'll see how that affects things.
For right now, the blinders are up and the gun has been fired. I'm running my own race and not veering off for anyone. I can't afford to put Monique on hold anymore and anyone who doesn't support this decision isn't someone that should be in my life to begin with. I just hope all this is worth it because the things I have planned are dependent on others and that's something I can't calculate in the planning stages.
Just stay positive and keep good energy around and I can do anything.

Sunday, March 23

I'm tired

I’m tired of the way things are
I’m tired of the way things should be
I’m tired of doing what’s right
I’m tired of sacrifice
I’m tired of the looks and glances
I’m tired of second and third chances
I’m tired of the way I’m perceived
I’m tired of people wanting to be seen
I’m tired of selfishness
I’m tired of attention seeking
I’m tired of routine
I’m tired of monotony
I’m tired of wanting more
I’m tired of sluts and whores
I’m tired of giving
I’m tired of the lies
I’m tired of guilty associations
I’m tired of comfortable situations
I’m tired of making the leap
I’m tired of standing on two feet
I’m tired of recognition
I’m tired of suspicions
I’m tired of “maybes” and “I wonders”
I’m tired of faux pas and social blunders
I’m tired of doing what’s expected of me
I’m tired of seeing the same streets
I’m tired of saving
I’m tired of staying
I’m tired of being a shoulder to cry on
I’m tired of sticking around
I’m tired of being down
I’m tired of majority rules
I’m tired of old news
I’m tired of bitten tongues
I’m tired of stolen ideas
I’m tired of never getting up
I’m tired of never getting down
I’m tired of always going around
I’m tired of standoffishness
I’m tired of living in a mess
I’m tired of working
I’m tired of lurking
I’m tired of never asking
I’m tired of forgetting
I’m tired of never achieving
I’m tired of unmerited conversations
I’m tired of unrealistic elations
I’m tired of scheming, wheeling, and dealing
I’m tired of thinking and never achieving
I’m tired of high horses and noses in the air
I’m tired of lying and “I don’t cares”
I’m tired of secrets and whispers
I’m tired of those who never listen
I’m tired of skating and talking
I’m tired of fixing and sorting
I’m tired of cleaning
I’m tired of words with no meaning
I’m tired of not knowing
I’m tired of holding back
I’m tired of contemplating
I’m tired of being strong
I’m tired of standing tall
I’m tired of “you deserve better”
I’m tired of false hope
I’m tired of bad intentions
I’m tired of hidden motives
I’m tired of being protective
I’m tired of defending
I’m tired of never getting
I’m tired of fitting in
I’m tired of hiding things
I’m tired of yelling
I’m tired of screaming
I’m tired of pulling my hair out
I’m tired of changing my plans
I’m tired of the status quo
I’m tired of never getting to go
I’m tired of smiling
I’m tired of dying
I’m tired of knives in the back
I’m tired of friends talking smack
I’m tired of giving in
I’m tired of 90/10
I’m tired of next times
I’m tired of being excluded
I’m tired of being walked over
I’m tired of catering
I’m tired of same talks and discussions
I’m tired of actions with no repercussions
I’m tired of people not wanting to change
I’m tired of everyone accepting the same
I’m tired of this
I’m tired of that
I’m tired of him
I’m tired of her
I’m tired of you
I’m tired of me
I’m tired of what could be