Monday, April 7

Time & Attention

It's crazy how schedules work. When you plan everything out on paper you have all this time to get everything done. Next thing you know you only have a few days. Where does the time go? Why is it so hard to keep things as planned? Who hurts the most when you postpone the very time line you set? With that being said, I'm going to grab on to whatever grains of sand I can, throw them back into the hourglass and hope its enough. Because there is no plan B and no option of failing. All I know is get it done.

Another thing I was thinking about, why do some demand all the attention and focus? Is it to feel more or less important/wanted? Is it to prove worth? Is that the only way to feel accepted? Don't they realize that people tire quickly of those antics? And more importantly when all eyes are on you, there's more pressure. One small mess up is magnified to exponential proportions. No one is perfect so it's bound to happen. And when it does the attention is no longer in your own control. Now is that something one really wants?
That idea came to mind this morning in conversation and I honestly can't figure it out, but want to. Guess it's that thirst for "how does things work" in me.

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