Tuesday, April 8

Happiness, I can get with that

You have no idea what it feels like to open your email and the subject reads "Your happiness is no longer blocked"
You'd think you'd be elated. You'd probably would be, not me. I said "shit I haven't been happy?" Of course the email was my horoscope for the day, which said my positive attitude makes it hard for my friends to be negative. And everyone that had been preventing me from being truly happy were no longer going to be in the way. Personally I would've been aok with just one person getting out the way. But everyone?!?! Insane. Thanks friends. Maybe now people will believe when I say don't speak those negatives into the air. Thank you Dr. Phil and subsequently Oprah.

sidenote: I'm seeing The Matches in a little over 32 hours. EGADS!!!

1 comment:

Christine O. said...

woooooo happiness! YAY AP TOUR! Sounds like a good April to me.