Tuesday, April 29

Feeling Better

Today is a new day, pregnant with opportunities. The 10 hours I did yesterday got the majority of the infamous project done. Also when I got in today I had an email from Justin (the boss that gave me the project in the first place and thinks I now hate him) that he sent me and CC'd my other 3 bosses and manager.

Monique, this was awesome. exactly what I asked for. thank you for staying late yesterday to get this done, it was much appreciated and very important for this project,

Most of you probably don't think much of it and I should be paid overtime or at least given an IOU but to me that's huge. He didn't have to say anything, nor did he have to tell everyone else I did an amazing job and stayed hella later. It's nice to know that you're more than the hand that does the work, but an entire living body.

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