Monday, April 21

Random Question

So Blogger users can create a Blogger profile, you may have seen mine. If not, no big. There is always a random question you can answer and I think that's the best idea ever. Feels like a mini interview. One day someone will interview me as a person and not a potential job candidate. Anyway I answered one a while ago and it's been up. But I want to do another so I'm saving the previous one here, for me to reflect on at a later date.

Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?
Oh man I'd love to have a bush statue. You know like the ones on Edward Scissorhands. That or a mini action figure with pose able parts. I'd also settle for a cardboard cutout on a stick. It will commemorate my abilities to find information most people didn't know existed duh. Or maybe my overall kickass awesomeness...

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