Thursday, July 10

Sorry bout ya

So according to my horoscope, copied below of course, I should get out the dreambook and analyze my dream. I'll probably figure something about about some people that is going to freak me out more than I already am. With that info I'll share it with a friend or two. One or all of which will hate on me for one reason or another. Knowing this info will result in tension with my friend(s), I would want to keep it to myself but since I'm going to be spazzing out it's not going to work. So I'm just gonna tell them and let the cards play as they lie. INTENSE!

Your willingness to delve into the mysteries of your own psyche can lead you to buried treasure today. But it's not so simple when what you bring into awareness creates tension with your peers. Keeping the intensity to yourself is not a viable solution. Facing the resistance from others takes courage yet will lead to positive transformation.

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