Tuesday, July 15

I refuse to have a bad week

Yesterday sucked it was bad on top of suck smooshed down with oh damn. That will not be the case for any other day this week so all the effed up things need to go on vacay and come back Sunday. kthanksbye

On a lighter note, TAI's single comes out today so I'm going to pee my pants a little more and buy it when I get home, so I can cry myself to sleep. Shut up, cause you don't know!

Warped tour is literally tomorrow, I have no idea or plans but I'll tell you this, if anyone asks me to come tomorrow, I'm doing it. End of story, so when I'm in Philly and Dude says you coming tomorrow? And I say uh probably not, and they say you should come, Imma say you should make room. I'm a little over doing the responsible thing and ready to get wreckless. That sounds horrible, hopefully I don't end up saying "it was a good idea at the time", but in all honesty I know I will.

Oh and there are all sorts of randoms lurking me as of late weather its via myspace, twitter, this blog, or my portfolio. Pretty sketchtastic, but this is what it means to be an inhabitant of the twenty-first century. Sidenote, all those links have my name in them, am I becoming vain? Hmm...

WHERE IS VEGAS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

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