Wednesday, July 2

Answer: The Matches

Did you hear that New York Governor Eliot Spitzer dropped more than $80,000 on a high-class prostitute and had to resign? And did you know that everybody in America wanted to see a picture of this prostitute because they were curious about what kind of woman can charge thousands for sex? And that yesterday somebody discovered that this prostitute a MySpace page? Did you know that everybody went to visit this page yesterday? How many people do you think went there? Would you believe 1.8 million people? And did you know that she is a singer, and that this page was was a MySpace music page?
So here's my question: Who was the featured band on MySpace Music yesterday, the band whose smiling mugs greeted 1.8 million who visited the site?

Answer: (See Title)

Stole this from Shawn's Blog, too good not to repost. This is from March not yesterday.

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