Monday, September 29

Busy little bee

Now that the weekend has passed and October is Wednesday, I'd figure I'd do two things. One update my to-do list and two check the status of my new year's resolutions. These are bound to suck...


  • Cities' shirt
  • Find memory card, phone battery & camera cord
  • Finish & Return Blockbuster Movies
  • Update Monique Did It
  • Store promotions
  • Myspace profile
  • Web ads
  • Go to McDonald's
  • Order CDs
  • Get rid of clothes in dresser I no longer want
  • Sort 2 bags of tshirts
  • Apply for a passport
  • Start Halloween shopping
  • Tell the roommates about the party plans

I just found my new year's resolutions and things aren't as bad as I was expecting. The list included: Make more lists; Drop 4 sizes by August; Eat more and healthier; Drink at least one whole bottle of Vitamin water a day; Design outside of work; Have a website, resume, business card, portfolio, laminate by summer; Put a tour together; Get my name past Baltimore; Travel to a new city; Enjoy work; Find time to workout no matter what; Create a new life plan; Stop using the credit cards; Take more time out for me.

Looking back I'm really a fan of my goals. All were/are obtainable and definitely things I want and need to do in life. I'm keeping on pace with my list making and goal accomplishing. I detoured majorly from the work-out lose weight plan but I'm almost back on schedule. If only there were more hours in the day... Drinking water and that whole eating thing is getting better thanks to my diligent friends that jump on my case. I have a website that I'm legitamently proud of and it contains my resume and portfolio. Everyone seems to love my business card and I never did make a laminate but that was more for fun than actual progress. Didn't put a tour together, mainly because I forgot how soon fall comes after warped tour, maybe next year haha. Still working on that life plan but I think my name is beyond these city limits and I've explored Philadelphia more this year than I ever imagined. I also ventured over to Pittsburgh, can't wait to go back! I don't use my credit cards but I also don't spend time on myself. No one's perfect. :)

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