Tuesday, May 6

Where do I begin?

They always say it's nice to feel wanted but I think even that has a limit. There's a line that once crossed you no longer feel the joy of others wanting your company or needing you. All you feel is the pressure of being the shoulder to try on, voice of reason, catalyst of things to come. I'm a miracle worker, I fix problems and attempt to please everyone in the process. Sometimes it's more effort than what it's worth. Sometimes it's more than one person to handle. Sometimes it's far more intense than anyone can imagine.
It's hard to keep secrets with the weight of the world on your shoulders. It's even harder to smile like everything is ok. Where do you go when everyone comes to you? Haven't quite figured that one out.
This isn't a complaint or a plea, just needed to sort things out in my head and this post was the only means I had. I'm not saying in any way that I want those that depend on me so much to stop. I'm just realizing exactly how tough it is. What happens when I'm not there? Where will they go...?

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