Wednesday, May 28


Lots of trouble waking up but that was to be expected. My mom called me on my drive down to say hi and she loves me and "Everything is Everything". I love my momma! Stopped at McDonald's cause of an impromptu craving for cinnamon melts. Get to YNot and Jason opens the door, he's been here all night and going crazy. Apparently this place at 4am is freaky.
I also love my BFFE because she gets me. After 2 minutes of conversation she realizes she hasn't seen me since the night she dropped me off at the bar with no wallet or phone. No worries her breathing is still fine eventhough now she's not too sure cause she should be suffering from massive withdrawl or something. I'll see her before June ends, I'm sure. She has a wii so as soon as that's up and ready I'll put it in my schedule to come over and play. Cause I'm using her til I get my own, duh. Anywho, we chat it up about Jeffree Star and Chris Crocker but not the two of them together, then Pete Wentz and blogs.

It's going to be a good day cause I deemed it so, and as long as I stay positive and light nothing can get me down. Not the bitterness, stress, idiocy, anger, or anything else negative/unnecessary. There's enough bad things in this world without the additives.

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