I'm also amazed that some people I consider great friends have completely disappeared from my life without any notice. I'm definitely use to it by now but it still stings to know someone you'd do anything for would straight up ignore you, unwarranted. Everything happens for a reason...
Speaking of which, I've been dealt a bum hand these past few weeks and it seems that things aren't getting better. Actually worst. I don't know personally how much more bad news I can take, nor do I honestly want to find out. Too bad these things are out of my control. All I can do is pray each night that everything will be alright, in hopes that one of these days I won't awake with the remnants of my nightly tears.
I'm in no way shape or form complaining or nonchalant asking anyone for anything. I just ask that everyone pauses for a minute and realizes how good things are. Even with things in my life being as bad as they are, I'm still grateful that I am able to do the things I do and I have the people that I have in my life. Things can always be worse and tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. So I strive to appreciate each day for what it is, a new day full of opportunity and endless bounds for me to make the most of.
I just hope I remember this if and when things ever get truly bad.
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