Monday, July 14


Why are people assholes? No seriously...
Fuck motherfuckers who can't park and fuck bitches that don't leave notes. I just hope that one day they will see the wrongness of their ways. I also hope that karma returns the favor, maybe not in anything extreme just enough for them to feel shitty for a minute.

While I'm ranting, why is it that people can't be sensible and logical? I understand not everyone thinks the same and that's the beauty of being a human, but seriously how hard is it to shut up your mouth not jump to conclusions or blow things out of proportion enough to come to an amicable decision. Do cats not realize that hysterics waste time and energy and make you someone no one wants to deal with? I'm just glad that after countless hours things are finally getting accomplished.

Lastly, I'm starting to think that deep down I'm not a good person. Just because it seems no matter how far I bend over backwards or how polite I am, things never go my way. And its not like a selfish, bratty I never get what I want. It's a out of 10 options whichever one fucks over monique the most, is the one that plays out. Now I'm a strong believer that what goes around comes around, and good things happen to good people and to those who wait. And nothing is owed to you, you have to go out there and get it for yourself and all that other rah rah sis boom bah shit. But damn, who did I fuck over royally in my past? Cause I can't catch a break. Nevertheless, I roll with the punches and do the best I can to make things the most positive. Just wish fate made things a little easier every once in a while. No matter the case, I'll never stop being me or stop doing what I feel is the selfless right thing to do, and hopefully people won't take too much advantage of it.

My horoscope for today didn't help things. "Be careful about building your plans on unpredictable feelings, for if your emotions change, so can the foundation of your grand adventure. Still, putting together a play book is a smart idea now as long as you don't focus on what you want. Instead be willing to try something very different as you look to see how to do what's best for all." My feelings are already unpredictable and this is going to be an extremely emotional and unpredictable week. Great timing stars. Good thing I'm good on my feet cause it looks like curveballs are ahead.

It's ok because this will always make me smile, til the day it makes me cry...

  • About A Girl
  • Summer Hair = Forever Young
  • His Girl Friday
  • The Test
  • Rumored Nights
  • Automatic Eyes
  • Crowded Room
  • Coppertone
  • After The Last Midtown Show
  • Beware! Cougar!
  • Paper Chase
  • One More Weekend…
oh and fuck overdraft fees!

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