Didn't take a new picture with Danny. Somewhere there are some party pics, remind me and I'll upload something another time. In the meantime you can look at this one but imagine it a month and 8 days later...oh minus Stephani against a brick wall instead of an alley; yeah we take sketchy pictures but boys in bands are equally sketch.
- I should really manage time better
- Happy Birthday Sara, she picks up my green tub and I leave for Philly
- I get a text message from Work....effffff that noise
- Pick up Christine and see a tour bus in the hotel parking lot; whatevs
- Almost pee my pants cause the closest bathroom was bloody and had to walk another block to the "mall"
- Sketchy Philly residents and then Chinatown. Sorry Gabe a week too late...
- Couple issues crossing the street
- Falling down the steps and having the whole venue see
- Chatting to Trevor about Delicious and how to join a tour
- WTK offically hates the review but loves the article
- Give Travis tips for the next album, surprisingly he agrees
- Confetti and Madina Lake going balls to the wall all set
- Derek looking not so happy but happy that me and Christine danced
- Discussion of naps
- Dancing with our FL boys
- Learning about Drew
- I like choices
- Those effin cookies
- Explaining to merch boy about their false advertising
- Hiking around the most unique block I've ever seen; and the creepiest alley you wouldn't pay me to enter alone
- Meeting that one girl we see a lot
- Appropriate shit talking
- Almost getting hit by the entrance door
- Random bathroom graphics
- Bagging on Christine's fashion choices
- Alexa called me!!! (She never calls)
- Plans for Baltimore and future shows
- Getting yelled at by Danny
- Parking lot frisbee date
- Discussing the Armor interview and the SWG tour
- Name dropping and picking back up
- My phone got a little more infamous
- For the record if you have nice shoes and give good talk; I'll freeze to hang out with you
- Honks walking down the street
- Ohhhhh the random anime convention walking by and Christine's comments
- Laughing at fan kids
- "Oh wait you're not Hunter..." haha
- Planning outfits months in advance
- I TOOK A NAP!!! (yeah finally got some sleep in my life)
- Happy Birthday Sara
- Me putting in my 2 cents on the whole "don't offer if you don't want to do it" situation
- Telling people about my allergy
- Random ass kids saying they were waiting for me to come
- Realizing how much I actually like my friends
- Dance party in the living room
- Christine's warning message
- Stephan Stefon & Devin...
- Dear The Hint, Save us please! kthanksbye
- "Devin where were you at 4am????"
- "Imma need you to stop hanging with Michelle"
- Bowing my head in shame with Geoff
- Silly arguments and drama
- Haha, like you care chick?
- Towson Diner just to not go home
- Sleepover
- Mall
- Bank
- Longhorn
- Christine's
- Home
- Sara's
- Troc
- Mall
- Burger King
- Most of the Top Friends (not Alexa or Mandy)
- We The Kings minus Drew plus Trevor
- Random kids in bands and their associates
- Expected party attendees
- Work
- Zack
- Mandy
- Alexa
November 10, 2007 - life shouldn't be scheduled make some plans but allow for spontaneity
I forgot! I'm really sketchy but want these shoes...
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