Monday, September 29

Busy little bee

Now that the weekend has passed and October is Wednesday, I'd figure I'd do two things. One update my to-do list and two check the status of my new year's resolutions. These are bound to suck...


  • Cities' shirt
  • Find memory card, phone battery & camera cord
  • Finish & Return Blockbuster Movies
  • Update Monique Did It
  • Store promotions
  • Myspace profile
  • Web ads
  • Go to McDonald's
  • Order CDs
  • Get rid of clothes in dresser I no longer want
  • Sort 2 bags of tshirts
  • Apply for a passport
  • Start Halloween shopping
  • Tell the roommates about the party plans

I just found my new year's resolutions and things aren't as bad as I was expecting. The list included: Make more lists; Drop 4 sizes by August; Eat more and healthier; Drink at least one whole bottle of Vitamin water a day; Design outside of work; Have a website, resume, business card, portfolio, laminate by summer; Put a tour together; Get my name past Baltimore; Travel to a new city; Enjoy work; Find time to workout no matter what; Create a new life plan; Stop using the credit cards; Take more time out for me.

Looking back I'm really a fan of my goals. All were/are obtainable and definitely things I want and need to do in life. I'm keeping on pace with my list making and goal accomplishing. I detoured majorly from the work-out lose weight plan but I'm almost back on schedule. If only there were more hours in the day... Drinking water and that whole eating thing is getting better thanks to my diligent friends that jump on my case. I have a website that I'm legitamently proud of and it contains my resume and portfolio. Everyone seems to love my business card and I never did make a laminate but that was more for fun than actual progress. Didn't put a tour together, mainly because I forgot how soon fall comes after warped tour, maybe next year haha. Still working on that life plan but I think my name is beyond these city limits and I've explored Philadelphia more this year than I ever imagined. I also ventured over to Pittsburgh, can't wait to go back! I don't use my credit cards but I also don't spend time on myself. No one's perfect. :)

Let's party!

I have a feeling that on October 11th I'm going to miss Shwayze and instead end up in New York City. Signs are pointing that way and I just found out about this sick party that I know I won't be able to schmooze myself into. Thanks Diesel!

Thursday, September 25

Going nowhere fast

I finally feel like I've done something. My to-do list is steadily shrinking, still not fully accomplished, but I don't feel like I'm drowning anymore.

  • Cities' shirt
  • Find memory card, phone battery & camera cord
  • Finish & Return Blockbuster Movies
  • Get rid of unwanted clothes in closet
  • Update Monique Did It
  • Store promotions
  • Myspace profile
  • Web ads

We're getting a wall

Yeah some dude just rolled in the office and asked "did someone order a wall with a door?" Can't make this shit up.

update: this wall installation is hardcore, but shit is noisy. I can't get anything done but all kinds of electrical equipment happening above my head.

Call me paranoid

So I'm chillin in the basement doing my thing and I hear talking. Usually no one is in the office this early and definitely not multiple people (excluding myself of course). Not really paying attention to the 1st floor chatter but my ears chime in on "I don't want to use speakerphone, let's go in the back so Monique and people can't hear" not really sure who and people are, but why couldn't it be one of them and I'm a part of and people.
No idea what's going on, but I'm a little on edge.

Wednesday, September 24


Just read a blog and almost peed my pants. Stoked on life!!!!
Things are good, confusing but good. There's a lot of anticipation about the unknown and days to come. Still isn't enough time in the day but I'll figure something out. Starting to wonder if half these goals are truly obtainable, I guess time will tell.
I need this vacation to come sooner than later, losing my mind staring at these taupe walls. I have this feeling of wanting to get so many things done and accomplished but when it comes down to it, I physically can't. Probably due to the lack of nourishment and sleep. One day I'll take care of myself, I just pray it's not when I'm on my death bed.
I feel like I'm living a quadruple life right now, it's not as stressful as it sounds but far more exhausting. I just need something to get me through each day, something other than alcohol cause no good can come of that. Maybe I should hire an assistant with my no money.
I'm so scattered, I forgot the point of this. Probably just to talk about how I'm a megafan and couldn't be more excited about a future EBay purchase. Also want to say my birthday wish list is coming soon. The only good thing about making it is that I get to shop without spending money. All of September and no new shoes, socks, headbands, clothes, nothing. A couple new releases but nothing frivoless. =)
Not looking forward to hunting down the Sing it Loud CD at a Best Buy, reminds me of February 8, 2005 all over again...
A moth just flew by my head, so I'm now done. Yup done.

Monday, September 22

Good or Evil?

STOKED!!!!!! Heroes premiers today and I will be watching all 2 hours plus of it tonight, cause I'm a nerd. Then since its Monday I'll also watch Work for Diddy & Shwayze. Just decided tonight is a pizza night, thanks Ravens for kicking ass and getting me 7 free toppings!

Happy first day of Autumn! My favorite season of the year has started and I can't be more excited. Not sure what's going on, I think cleaning my room has lifted my spirits. I've been far more lighthearted and carefree the past couple of weeks.

Last night was rad, I wish more people were chill and all about just hanging out enjoying each other company. No bullshit or drama just friends. I'd like to personally thank my new bffl for getting me far more intoxicated than I planned.

It's already 10:30, everybody cross fingers I get out of work at 4! Gatorade is saving my life right now. No more rambling back to making shit pretty.

Friday, September 19

Take me there, I wanna go there

Take me there, let's go there. Take me to that great place with wonders and wishes.Take me there, you know where. Just take me to that great place with wonders and wishes.

Thursday, September 18

Music what are you doing to me?

Halifax has an acoustic version of Sydney?!? Get out of here. I must own this now, also need to find Love Lockdown by Kanye. I just noticed after 30+ listens the lyrics to Shwayze's Flashlight "She was a fan that turned to a friend, but now I think I love her since I took her to bed" I've been rockin Hard Candy like it came out yesterday. If you haven't already, listen to Incredible. Madonna shuts it down in this song. Every party should have this song on a playlist along with Savage's Swing just cause.

I care too much

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (90%) very high which suggests you are extremely relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness (50%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (56%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Trait Snapshot:
rarely irritated, positive, tough, non phobic, fearless, likes the unknown, self reliant, high self control, confident, trusting, strong instincts, prudent, optimistic, willful, likes parties, prefers a specialized career, takes charge, altruistic, strong, high self concept, adventurous, practical, thoughtful

Tuesday, September 16

Your best friend is not your girlfriend

Why does that even need to be said? Time and time again I've seen it happen, people get so wrapped up in infatuation that they lose themselves and in turn, lose the people that knew them as them. It sucks and it's senseless. You don't have to give up one for the other to survive, at least you shouldn't. Eventually the newness dies, and things become stale and you realize that months instead of weeks have past. Not only are you stuck in a routine, you have no idea what's been going on in the world because you've been in a bubble.
Although you say you're different and things won't change, it does, you aren't, and it still hurts just the same.

Thanks Tom Delonge...feel free to assume this is about whoever you think it's referencing. How sad is it that multiple people could and probably will come to mind? I just hope someone can end this vicious cycle, one day.

Oh my stars

You have new ideas about how to get your job done faster today, but something is gnawing at the back of your mind as you wonder about the relationship between inventiveness and routine. Although you may be attracted to relaxing with a few select friends, work needs to come first. Maintaining healthy priorities helps you be more successful.

Guess i just figured out what I'm doing tonight. If you're on my design agenda get stoked cause you'll be getting a 3am email with pretty pictures!

Monday, September 15


This is what came to mind after a mid-afternoon convo.
Did you improve on the design?
Did you do something new?
Well your name ain't on the guest list
Who brung you? You
The more famous person, you come through
Lupe said it better than I could've.

Do work son

Last week I made an agenda of things to do over the weekend, it's been two weeks and I still have more than half of the list still to do. It's not that I'm lazy, just spent. This week I will not only complete the list but also the things I never got a chance to write down. Along with a significant more with my bedroom. Not sure how this will all play out with 3 maybe 4 shows this week. Here's to positive thinking!

  • Sonny's logo
  • Cities' t-shirts
  • Clean car
  • Find memory card, phone battery & camera cord
  • Type up Island reports
  • Send Alexa ZIP file
  • Finish & Return Blockbuster Movies
  • Get rid of unwanted shoes & clothes in closet
  • Organize dresser & desk
  • Update Monique Did It
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Store promotions
  • Myspace profile
  • Web ads

Sunday, September 14

I la la lost my mind

So much is going on in my brain its insane. This one is going to be long, can't stop need to get it all out of me.
September is practically over, it feels like it just begun but at the same time feels like it should've ended weeks ago. Most of these days have been pretty eventful and a break from the ordinary. You don't realize how routine this thing called life can be until something comes along and fucks shit up. I like to call that something September.
Not really sure how I want to sort out my head. I could give a recount of each day, I could just start with one feeling and branch, there are options and I don't do well with those. I like choices because then I'm not locked down, but I like to make the right choice and sometimes there isn't one, but I'll always think I just picked wrong. Maybe I should just think about each aspect of my life in sections, yanno like Professional, Social, Romantic, ect ect. Maybe I should just stop thinking about how to think and just feel. I tend to do better when I actually allow myself to feel. I also tend to break into tears. Damn I'm a mess.
I just want to apologize to anyone who actually read this, and huge sorrys to anyone that reads this in its entirety. I'm a fuckin train wreck, getting derail with each mile, losing cars baggage and passengers on every turn; hoping that with each light in the tunnel is the sun and not a realization that I'm going down a one way.
One way, on the first I walked around Philadelphia and saw some street signs in the Artist District that were manipulated. The one way sign had the "w" covered up and someone replaced it with a "d" so it then said One Day. I couldn't help but notice, and become hopeful of things to come. And also think, hmm maybe one day. I suggested to Alexa that she should be cutesy and send a picture of the sign to someone saying "one day we'll be together again" not too sure if she did it or not, but I do know it was a swell idea that I wish I could use for myself. Don't mistake this want for jealousy, I'm legitimately happy for anyone that is happy with themselves. Its just that when its smack dab in front of you, you realize that you are lacking.

All we ever wanted was love and love and happy afternoons

I've found myself listening to a lot of the CDs I depended on throughout college. This time for different reasons, not looking for answers or motivation or hope. Just enjoying the music. Seems like those albums, the ones from 03, 04, and 05 all had more meaning. Everyone tried harder, everyone felt something. Nowadays it's hit or miss. Hit or Miss is a great song by New Found Glory, quite excited for their show at the end of the month. If I make to then...
Work has been crazytown, August was nothing compared to the last 2 weeks. Still can't get over its only been 2 weeks. Overtime everyday but finally getting somewhere on the massive to-do list, and everyone else seems to be just as scatteredbrained and mental. The other morning, my one boss Jason had more energy that Richard Simmons, it was quite scary. We're all a bit cracked out these days. This week is gonna be huge, fingers crossed that everything that I've been working on works launch day.
My mom the other day joked that she could make me a profile on eHarmony. Hahaha... I don't know, she's made a couple comments in the past few months about my love life. Maybe I've been single for too long. Too bad it's not an issue of me turning down the offers wanting to live the single life. Simply put, I'm the friend. If this was a movie the guy would realize that the girls he goes for are totally wrong for him and confide in his bff or mother and a lightbulb would go off and he'd suddenly know that I'm the girl he is destined to be with. Yeah I'm that girl, the logically supportive friend that helps the guy get the girl despite the feeling in my own heart. Too bad at this point, I don't even know who the guy friend is. I've had my fairshare but honestly at this moment there's none. I've come to my senses and realized that the one I attempted to persue time and time again isn't one worth persuing. He's cancerous and I don't need that.
Yay for clean slates. Starting fresh, starting anew. Wish I was more stoked. Damn this vicious cycle.
I'll just find other things to preocuppy me... Suddenly my calendar just popped in my head and a temporary smile crossed my face. Lots of good shows and good times with friends coming ahead. My birthday party will be full of all sorts of debauchary that will continue over to the Pacific timezone the next week in Las Vegas. Glad Ebony is coming with me, she's gonna have a blast being my babysitter. Especially on Halloween. Who would've thought that during my random trip I'd be in the same sinfull city as a few other friends. Just wish I booked a day sooner but I'll just celebrate with everyone in Maryland that day instead. Red Robin???
Other things on my mind, I need to clean like no other. I started and its temporarily looking better but there's so much to do. Can't wait to finally be able to put my clothes in my dresser and closet. Living out of rubbermaid containers for 3 years is not fun. Goodwill/Plato's Closet is gonna looooove me. Hmm what else. I work too hard and forget even more. Need to take a minute for myself. The other day my friend asked me what I did for myself. I sat in the backseat with a blank stare and couldn't think of a single thing, then remembered that I play videogames though it be few and far between, its what I do for me. That was quite depressing but eye-opening so I'm thankful. I'm going to try to figure out a way to keep living as I've been, but adding in some me-time... We'll see how that goes.
I saw Motion City Soundtrack, that was awesome. Also got to see Sarahfax and she's always a good time. Alexa took me to the Diner to sober up. It's always reassuring to know that people legit care about your well-being. Had she not done that I probably would've slept in my car for way too long, missed work the next day or worst put in the "drunk tank." I didn't intend on drinking more than one drink, then as CIWWAF would say the fourth drink instinct kicked in. Great.... Saw Reggie & the Full Effect and he did "FOOD"! Dumbest song ever, but I like it. It was one of those rare shows where I got to hear every song I wanted. Don't think that happened since like Linkin Park.
If things happen as they are rumored to, I just became more excited for November. Trying not to get my hopes up just yet but I'm giddy.

Friday, September 12

Sorry I'm not who you wanted me to be

Actually no I'm not. I'm aok with who I am, you should be too or stop associating with me.

plain and simple

Thursday, September 11

Apparently I'm Good People

You are Sponge Bob Square Pants: You are the classic person that everyone loves. You are the best friend that anyone could ever have and never wants to lose. You never cause harm to anyone and they would never not understand your feelings. Life is a journey, it’s funny and calm for the most part. Stay away from traitors and jealous people, and you will be stress free.

Take the test for yourself here!

Wednesday, September 10

Get your learn on

torrid: drying or scorching with heat; burning; parching.

This is why the store's logo is a flame. Not because of their affiliation with Hot Topic.

Friday, September 5

You got this silly way of keeping me on the edge of my seat

One of these days, I won't let him phase me. This isn't the day...

I don't even want to think down that path. I'm excited for the weekend, that rarely happens so hopefully things are good. Somehow someway I have to squeeze in so many things.


  • Sonny's logo
  • Cities' t-shirts
  • Organize shoes
  • Clean car
  • Find memory card
  • Buy birthday gift
  • Party in West Chester
  • Party in Baltimore
  • Ottobar Sunday
  • Birthday party Sunday
  • Sleep
  • Type up reports
  • Find CD for Ebony
  • Send Alexa ZIP file
  • Watch Blockbuster Movies
  • Catch up on TV

That's probably not everything, but it's enough to keep me busy. Still piecing together the whens and how longs. I think it's all very doable but it'd be easier if I cut out the whole sleep option altogether. Choices... Anyway, it's not the weekend quite yet and I unfortunately have a full plate on my work schedule. At least it's FREE LUNCH FRIDAY!!!!

Thursday, September 4


This show just got better. LL COOL J is the opener. I'm peeing my pants!

No lie, this is real

Guitar Praise... I'm not even going to say anymore, just click the picture and read for yourself.

Wednesday, September 3

Blue or Red; Stay Green!

Make sure you do your part in making tomorrow brighter by doing some little things and save the environment. I personally recycle at work, reuse recyclable bags when I grocery shop, off-set my carbon emissions when using I'm trying to find a way to off-set my carbon emissions for driving to shows and also flying to Vegas. There are little little little things you can do that also make a difference. Like make the background on your computer black. Yeah like I said little things. Eventually I'll make a sick list, but in the mean while. Do what you can to save the planet.

Also if you haven't heard Hurricane Gustav left great wreckage a few weeks ago. You can donate to the relief and recovery fund here:

Tuesday, September 2

Someone buy my car

So I can get this one...
I kinda wish my mom's car would've held on long enough for this to come out in production. Everything happens for a reason, and I love my baby. I just think this one is sooo sick, and it's like the same price which is LAME!!

Feelings suck just as much as Realizations

Sometimes I wish I didn't think everything happened for a reason. Sometimes I wish I didn't feel the way I did about you. Sometimes I wish we could just cut the bullshit and put everything on the table. Why do we play this game? Why can no one be straightforward but cryptic and secretive. Going around the red tape with whispers in the night. I told her who told that one girl who passed the world to your friend who told you. Let's be different, let's eliminate the middle man, eliminate the elapsing time. Let's just see what really lies beneath and take it from there.

I'm not a fan of missed opportunities as the sand steady flows through the hourglass.

If you haven't noticed

To spark some sort of reaction out of me, I have to care somewhat about you or the cause. Just how it is, I'm far too laid back to jump at everything. What's the sense of being on edge 24-7? No thanks. But also with that being said, if I do legitimately care, there's not much changing my mind. Sucks when you let people in and they don't even see how much they hurt you. I'm far too nice to fill them in, so I blame myself for not doing anything about it.

Monday, September 1

Another random Google Question

All of the phone numbers have fallen out of your address book. Whose number do you look for first and why?

Not really sure. I have Ebony's and my parents memorized. I can get all my family members from my mother and most of my friends contact me daily so I'd be able to fill the book back up. I might have to use my friends to get other numbers but they've done it to me so I don't see any issues.