Monday, June 23

Whatcha doing?

When people ask me what I've been up to, the answer "not too much" doesn't sit well. Guess no one can come to terms that living vicariously though me would eventually get dull. Sorry that everyday isn't some grand adventure, but I'm happy with my lifestyle. Typically I wake up, go to work, get things done at home while hours of my life fly by, then I watch TV and schedule the tasks for the next day. FUN!!!! Friends occasionally call or text and I listen to the drama of their day while adding in my two cents. They feel a bit better and we end communication. On the event that I leave my house I'm running errands. Every once in a while someone will accompany me, but typically solo.
I rarely go out and have fun these days, its just not in the agenda. Putting on a smile while everyone around you bitches or is phony gets tiring. So I figure why immerse yourself into situations like that. When I do go out, it's about 11pm and I get home at 3-7am. 9 times out of 10 I meet up with a friend or 2, go to a bar then end up at someone's house, then go out to eat. Those are the better nights. Unless of course the places I go, or people I see, are filled with negativity. All in all that pretty much sums up my day-to-day life. If you don't believe me, here's what I did last week:

Monday I came back from Virginia ridulously early or late depending on how you look at it. Couldn't get to sleep so I talked to Alexa for 3 hours til she passed out. Finally napped around 7am got up at 10. Went to Target, McDonald's and finally DC. Got cultured for hours and found some much needed inspiration. Although it wasn't as relaxing as intended due to the fact that I'm a psych on call to my friends. Ran into some sceneters at Hard Rock, danced to a FTSK song from across the street, walked around, got kidnapped and surprised, hung out with friends while they finish out their duties for the night, had a great conversation then a long drive home with minimal rest.
Tuesday was pissed most the day due to unneccasary rudeness. Decided not to quit my job. On the drive home tended to several friends as they vented. Continued as I worked on a few things. Gathered my thoughts, worked out showered and sat around in my pajamas. Sent a couple myspace messages I had no intention of hearing back from and watched TV.
Wednesday, was nothing special as well. Talked to some friends, gave some advice. Was very tired so opted not to run or do cardio. Also passed up a good opportunity to get some work done and cleaned for a bit as well.
Thursday I was exhausted, had a decent day at work. Had a scare from Rae. I was supposed to go to a happy hour or hang out with Devin or go to Dew Action tour or eat Sushi. Didn't do any. Did get to spend time with my cousin which is always fun, also fixed my tired and went to Blockbuster. Spend some time with my parents as well which is rare. Apologized to Devin for not doing anything, I never see that kid anymore, I'll work on it. Took a break from advice giving and overall listening to watch TV. I even went to the movies and Denny's. Talk about an eventful day!
Worked from home on Friday. My dad came home early so I actually got to talk to him. Went on errands with my mom, bought a wii. Ate food, cleaned and left for Dew Action. Hung out with Christine, another friend I haven't gotten to spend time with, watched BMX Dirt and then half of Good Charlotte's set. Left dropped off Christine, flew to McDonald's, changed clothes, ate at record speed, gave Rae directions while talking to another friend about her drama. Got to the bar later than expected, sorry Rae. Saw some more faces attempted to reschedule my sushi date with Sara, this has been in the making since November if that's any indication on how far behind I am on my frienships. Met some good people and hung out with them for a few hours before finally crawling into my basement.
Saturday morning, I practically kick Rae out after being 4 hours later than her expected departure. Run errands, got some things done for my mother, ate and watched Ocean's 13. Much needed nap but only for 20 minutes. Get a ride downtown, watch Skate park, meet up with Devin and Laurel spend the day with them ending with skate vert. What better way to celebrate Skateboarding day? Hike to my ride, eventually get home. Turned down dinner at Denny's due to time and my "about to vomit" feeling. Talk to Alexa while I drive dizzily to Burger King, needed someone to know where I was in case I crashed or passed out. Finally nourished my body while keeping Ebony company, via cellphone. Later realize I need to finish looking for something for my mom, Alexa needing to get out the house drives down and we go to Super WalMart. Randomly get interrograted about my whereabouts, still not sure what warranted that but it's always good to know when friends think you're hiding things from them. WalMart doesn't have it, after debate I eat again so I don't get a migraine, we watched a movie in the freezing cold and then she left so I could sleep.
Nothing to report on Sunday, other than my mom woke me up so I'd run errands with her. She told me about her night out, and got me lunch. Ate while watching 27 dresses, end up sleeping for hours. Not sure if it was the overexcurion, lack of a proper eating schedule or just my natural exhausted state of living. Get woken up, watch a little more of the movie and go back to sleep. Woke up again hours later and I eat while giving some advice and coming up with ideas. Finally touch a computer and answer my messages. Also changed my myspace around a tad. Non of which are from the people I contacted, as expected. Attempt to finish the movie and fell asleep again. Finally went to bed around 4am.

And that ladies and gentlemen is the fun and excitement all of you have been looking for. No syke, you've missed out on nothing aside from lots of advice giving, being the shoulder to cry on, errands and me getting things done. Of course I did have a little entertainment but for the bulk, lots of cancellations and not much more. So next time you say what have you been up to and I say nothing just refer back to this post and see that nothing is legit nothing.

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